
The Month of Green

'Tis March, the month of all things green

I talk a lot about diet, food, nutrition, health, and healthy eating on this blog a lot. I know, I know, most of you must be sick of it. But I'm a foodie and a (future) naturopathic doctor, so food is always going to play a big part of my life and career. 

Mmm, green veggie overload!

Nevertheless, as an outsider, healthy eating can seem overwhelming. Chia seeds, paleo, buckwheat, avocados, veganism, pomegranates? What diet is best, what foods to eat, how about supplements? There's a lot ...but where to begin!

This month, if you are interested in improving your health through diet and nutrition, the one-and-only recommendation I can give is to EAT MORE GREENS!

Honestly, out of all of the dietary changes you could make and new foods you could start eating, adding more GREENS to your diet is by far the most important and easiest thing you can do. If you choose to do one healthy thing during the month of March, make it eating more green veggies (though especially leafy green ones). Yesterday, I kicked off the month with a leafy green, kale salad recipe. You can expect more green-veggie coming up this month. 

Green Veg Examples: kale, spinach, romaine lettuce, arugula, micro greens, sprouts, bok choy, broccoli, green peas, herbs (cilantro, parsley, mint, basil, etc), rapini, swiss chard, beet greens, collard greens, mustard greens, zuchinni, asparagus, savory cabbage, green pepper, leeks, green onions, green beans, cucumber, celery, lettuce, artichoke, turnip greens, jalapenos, edamame, etc...

It's March. It's time to get our green on!

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